Hi everyone!
Nice to meet you, I’m Briana!
Welcome to my blog where I talk about life in Miami, books, anime and much more! I am new to the blogging experience, but my goal is to create a safe space for everyone who wants to discuss the same things I like to talk about!
Now for those who would like to briefly know more about me, here ya go!
I am a person that works primary with the right side of my brain, the creative one. I am a young aspiring writer, working on my high-fantasy series called “The Oridien Isles,”. I love reading a variety of different genres, with my favorite genres being Romance and Fantasy! I also LOVE reading Manga too, in fact I’m trying to build a Manga collection in my own room! But other than reading, drawing is something I like to practice on my downtime as well and maybe I can share some of my art here if granted.
It was very nice to meet you! I hope you stick around for the ride, and if you ever need a chat, don’t hesitate to reach out!
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