Hello there! I’m Briana.
Want to know a little more about me? Well, here we go! I love to read, write, draw and play music! I have a cello at home… Which… I neglect at times. But I am determined to play Shaiapouf’s theme from Hunter X Hunter on that cello! Other than music, reading novels and manga’s is one of my favorite past-times, and right now, my head is spinning about what’s to come next from the recent Jujutsu Kasien chapters.
Gaming! I love to game from anywhere from cozy games to FPS games, any game with great story telling/great building/grinding mechanics are games that I enjoy! Some of these games include Animal Crossing, Minecraft, Cyberpunk, Stardew Valley and much more! I hope you enjoy my future gaming blogs to come!
But other than passing hobbies, the thing that truly brings me joy in life, is writing. My goal in life, is to change the way people look at modern literature with my books. Using adventure-fantasy books, I want to teach people many different concepts with my characters and their stories that I wish to share. I want my characters to be loved, hated, cried for and cherished, but most of all, I want their stories to leave an impact on my reader. To have them question their choices, the world and more importantly the characters. This is my goal as a writer, and I hope you walk with me through this journey.
Join me! On my blogging Journey!
In this blog, you find a wide-variety of topics to read upon. From anime and gaming, to traveling and baking! This blog will update periodically, so tune in every now and then and see what’s new!
Thank you for joining me on this journey! <3

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