Genshin tips: Building Eula!

Want to know how I built my Eula? Continue reading to find out!

When the character Eula, from Genshin Impact, released for the first time back in 2021, I knew I had to get her.

Her design, is exquisite, and her character is fun to be around whether when she’s in story quests or in time-gated quests. And at the time, I favored claymore users more than I did any weapon type. And with Eula coming out to be one of the fastest claymore users in the game, I knew I had to get her.

But… After I got her, I realized that I didn’t know how to build her. After a long time of building the character and getting her in a position I’m most comfortable with, I will now share my Eula build! That way, you can have an idea on how you’d like to build her too!

Now, I will say, while there are more optimized Eula builds out there, my Eula is more suited towards my play-style. And personally, I feel like she still has the potential to get even stronger on my account, so, you don’t have to abide by everything I say in this post, because in the future, my build for her might change! It might get stronger, or it might weaker who knows?

Anyways let’s get into the nitty gritty, with our first topic: Ascension/ Talent Materials

The required materials needed to ascend Eula are:

  • 168 Dandelion Seeds
  • 18 Damaged Masks
  • 30 Stained Masks
  • 36 Ominous Mask
  • 6 Shivada Jade Gemstone
  • 9 Shivada Jade Chunk
  • 9 Shivada Jade Fragment
  • 1 Shivada Jade Sliver
  • 46 Crystalline Bloom

Shivada Jade: Shivada Jade can come from many different bosses within the games, which are Cryo Regisvine, Cryo Hypostasis, Bathysmal Vishap, Primo Geovishap and much more, however I recommend that you farm the Cryo Hypostasis, that way, you can also get the Crystalline Bloom needed for Eula’s ascension. Also note that the higher your world level, the more and better rewards you’ll get.

Dandelion Seeds: For Dandelion seeds, or any flower type ingredient, I recommend using Genshin Impact’s Official Interactive Map which can be used as a guide to help players like you an me, find all the locations to all the flowers or rocks we need to find for our characters. Another thing to note, is that Dandelion Seeds are only found in Mondstadt. In order to farm Dandelion seeds, you will need to use an Anemo’s Character’s skill in order to collect the seeds. This character can be the Anemo Traveler or any other Anemo character you may have.

Masked Items: All Damaged, Stained and Ominous Masks can be collected from fighting Hilichurl’s which can be found all throughout the map as they are a common enemy.

Required materials needed for Eula’s 3 talents:

  • 3 Crown of Insight
  • 9 Teachings of Resistance
  • 63 Guide to Resistance
  • 114 Philosophies of Resistance
  • 18 Dragon Lord’s Crown
  • 18 Damaged Mask
  • 66 Stained Mask
  • 93 Ominous Mask

Dragon Lord’s Crown: Can be obtained by using your resin to collect rewards after defeating the weekly boss Azhdaha, which can be done after completing the Zhong-Li’s Story Quest Part 2.

Resistance Books: Can be obtained by using your daily resin to farm the Domain Forsaken Rift on Tuesday’s, Friday’s and Sunday’s.

Crown of Insights: Can be obtained by upgrading/leveling up the following Regional Monuments: Sacred Sakura, Frostbearing Tree’s Gratitude, Lumenstone Adjuvant, Tree of Dreams and Fountain of Lucine.

NOW! After looking at all the materials needed in order to level up your Eula to the MAX, now let’s focus on artifacts.

Eula is a character that demands the attention of the player. You have to put effort into building her properly, if not, then you won’t have a good Eula on your team. So this is what I did!

Now. I know my Eula build isn’t the best but, I know she, in her current state, can do some damage.

What I’ve notice tends to work best with Eula are artifacts such as Pale Flame, and Blood-Stain Chivalry.

Personally, I run a 2 Piece Pale Flame, and 2 Piece Blood-Stain Chivalry because both pieces, when combined, the artifacts will help boost Eula’s Physical Damage by approximately 50% and Eula is a character that loves physical damage. Substat’s are the tiny stats that each artifact has, but don’t mind the fact that their tiny because upgrading these stats will actually have an effect on how strong your character gets! Listed below are the substat’s you want for each artifact on Eula. Keep in mind, as long as you have 2 piece’s from both the Blood-Stain or the Pale Flame, the

  • Flower:
    Main Stat is ALWAYS HP
    – CRIT Rate
    – CRIT DMG
    – Energy Recharge
    – ATK%
  • Feather:
    Main Stat is ALWAYS ATK
    – ATK%
    – CRIT Rate
    – CRIT DMG
    – Energy Recharge
  • Hourglass:
    Prioritize Main Stat ATK%
    – CRIT Rate
    – CRIT DMG
    – Energy Recharge
    – ATK
  • Cup:
    Prioritize Main Stat Physical DMG Bonus
    – ATK%
    – CRIT Rate
    – CRIT DMG
    – Energy Recharge
  • Hat:
    Prioritize Main Stat CRIT Rate or CRIT DMG
    – Energy Recharge
    – CRIT Rate or CRIT DMG
    – ATK%
    – ATK

Shown in the images below, you can see the details of my Eula’s artifacts, and how it strengthens the characters stats.

Now that we got the artifacts out the way, let’s move on to weapons!

My Eula has a rank 5 Snow-Tombed Starsilver, which is a free to play sword that is craftable in game!

The Snow-Tombed Starsilver is a tricky sword to get, in order to get the Snow-Tombed Starsilver, you will need to interact with 8 Ancient Carvings all around Dragonspine to unlock it, the image below shows where you can find all 8 of the Ancient Carvings.

After you have found all Ancient Carvings and interacted with them, you will have to return to the once sealed door in Dragonspine. Now, you’ll find that the door has opened to show a bunch of torches in a room, with this you’ll use a Pyro character to light them all and then you’ll be rewarded the Snow-Tombed Starsilver Claymore after all that trouble.

Now that you have obtained the first Snow-Tombed Starsilver, you can craft more! You’ll just need these materials, and you’ll have to talk to the blacksmith at Mondstadt.

I know that there are more weapons suited for Eula out there, however, this is the weapon I like to play her with!

So now you know about my Eula build! Teams, I will say, contribute a big portion of how my Eula plays in game, so I will be discussing the current team set-up I have will my Eula in another blog, since this one has stretched a bit too long.

But, if you have anything you’d like to share, let me know! I hope you enjoyed this read, have an awesome day!! \(#*W*#)/