Potion Permit! A Cozy game you should play
Struggling to find cozy games to play in this deficit of video games? Then continue reading!!

Potion Permit is game that I bought on the Nintendo Switch not too long ago, and I’ve got to say, it’s a really relaxing game to play!
For those that don’t know, Potion Permit is a beautiful pixel-art game in which the player and their doggie companion, are transferred from their clinic in the city, to a small town called Moonbury that is in need of an alchemist. However, the townsfolk aren’t too keen to those that come from the city, and they make you well aware of this. They have their reasons of course, which you’ll soon come to see once you play the game for yourself. But here’s a hint… Someone from the city did them dirty…
I really like this game because there are so many aspects that keep you coming back for more! These aspects include:
- Building Relationships with the Townsfolk
- Healing the Sick Townsfolk’s
- Harvesting Herbs and Materials
- Exploration
- Upgrading your Home
- Upgrading your Clinic
- Fighting some Monsters
- Rebuilding the Town
And much more with added content!
What reeled in this game for me, honestly, was the relationship building aspect of the game. I am a SUCKER for character relationships in games… There are 33 characters in game, and each character have their stories that you unlock the closer you get to them, and, another added bonus, there are 6 romanceable characters in the game!!
The character I chose to romance, was the sweetest, most adorable carpenter in the town. Reyner <3.

Other than building close relations with the villagers, I do have some unfortunate news… Yes, the Townsfolk, do get sick. And how you treat them will reflect not only the relations you have with that patient, but also how the town perceives you, so be sure to treat your patients right.
In your clinic, you’ll have the sick patient laying in their bed and as their doctor, you’ll have to figure out what’s wrong with them, and what potion’s you’ll need in order to help them. And funnily enough, this process can be solved through cute little mini-games that focus on memory, obstacle, and rhythm courses.
In order to heal your newly founded friends, you’ll have some exploring to do. There are diverse unlockable area’s that have you guessing what’s in there as you try to raise your adventure rank up. So if you really like exploration, then you’ll love this portion of the game! During exploration, you’ll find ingredients and monsters that you can harvest and/or kill in order to gain the necessary material’s to craft potions! Remember, you are a doctor for this town after all.
During this exploration, you’ll find a multitude of in-game resources that you can collect, one of these being monster resources. In each area there are a variety of monsters that are aggressive, passive or neutral. Monster’s will fight you back if you attack them, and other will just attack you out of the blue. And depending on how leveled your equipment and health are, these monsters can deal a lot of damage, so be careful!
These materials are needed to craft certain recipes, so unfortunately, you can’t avoid the damage soon to come.
Other than harvesting, the potion crafting in this game is actually really relaxing.
After scavenging for resources, the player can make potion’s using the caldron they have at home to play this fill-in-the-blocks type mini-game that changes in pattern with each potion you make!

After you make these potions for the patients, you’ll use what you’ve made to heal the villagers from their illnesses.
But let me get you to the best part.
You can customize your home and clinic!

I don’t know what it is, but there’s just some type of charm and happiness I get when I know I can customize my home.
It’s just so fun! I LOVE decorating homes!!
Anyways… both your house and clinic can be upgraded multiple times to enhance your gaming and to also fit your esthetic. You can buy furniture, from the best boy, Reyner <3, and add to your cozy life in Moonbury!
As you naturally progress through the game, you’ll notice that the little town of Moonbury will slowly rebuild certain sections of the town, making the overall appearance a lot nicer and add some quality of life back into the town.
As much as I love this game, I do think there are some more aspects that I’d personally like more of, or changed.
I really love the relationship building portion of this game, but, when it comes to the romanceable characters, I felt as if they were a bit lack luster. To be fair, I only played through Reyner’s route, so all I can really say, is that I was a little disappointed by the lack of marriage in this game. Not only that, but once you romance your character to the fullest extent, that character, even in story quests fails to really view you as their partner.
I don’t know if it’s the hopeless romantic inside of me, but, I did want the relationship aspect of this game to be a little cuter, and to have marriage and dialogue where the other character acknowledges you as a partner throughout the rest of the game.
Another aspect I would like to touch upon, is that I love exploring. I really like how diverse the game’s exploration area’s are, however, I think an extra terrain in addition to the 3 that are in the game will really make the player feel like the strong adventurer that they are. And it’ll make the game feel bigger in comparison to the small explore area’s that the players are able to explore now.
And lastly, I hate to say it, but… I’d love for there to be more decorative items to decorate your home and clinic with. Currently, the furniture in the game just feels so plain to me. So I think giving the players a few more option’s to choose from will really help.
If I were to rate this game, I would rate it a 4 out of 5.
Everything, is bound to have it’s faults, after all, nothing can be perfect. I love this game for what it is, and I think it’s the perfect game to sit back and relax to. So if after reading this post, you think so too, then I’ll be happy just knowing that I convinced someone to play one of the coziest games I’ve personally played.
Until next time!